The Sun, Earth and Moon

Earth: Earth is a place we live on. the Earth is green and blue, the blue means water and the green means land. As the Earth orbits around the sun, it also spins on its own axis. At any time half of the earth faces the sun which means when the sun is reflectiing it is means for half the Earth it is day and the other half has night. The Earth also orbits the sun at a speed of 65.000 km. It takes 1 day for the earth to go all around. There is 70% of water and 30% of land.


The sun is made out of a big star which has gas and fire in it. The sun looks like it is burning but it is like a massive bomb exploding. Did you know the sun is 150 million kilometres away from us.


If you want to know the moom is 4.5 billion years old. For the moon to orbit the Earth it takes { 28 days ,8 hours, 44 minutes , 11.7 secoonds} to go all the way around the Earth and return to its starting position. The Earth goes round anti- clockwise.