100 wc

but I didn't understand the instruction's

"Henry wait for me at the house will you?"said mum." I'm going out for a little while so please be good! Bye Henry. Remember don't eat the biscuit's."Bye! SLAM the door went. Blar ,blar,blarI'm 9 years old obviously I'm going to to eat the biscuit's."So he took the biscuit's."No harm will be done!( CREAK ) went the cookie jar.Let's do it. So i took the biscuits jar into my room. Just as i finished the last biscuit in the cookie jar. I felt SICK Tap,Tap,Tap went the door."Uh no". Mum's back if she see's me like this she'll kill me! thought Henry."Henry I'm home."She came up stars and into my room! "Henry Spaniel! I though I said don't eat the biscuit's." Mum said angrily." Sorry mum I didn't understand the instruction's" He replied sickly.