The Old House.



"Come on, James!

Don't be a chicken." Peter started to do a clucking sound and moved his

arms up and down like some mad, demented chicken. "No! You know

mum said not to go near that house. She said bad things have happened in there." "Don't be daft.  All mums say that stuff.  No one's lived there in years. It will be an adventure, James.  We might even find some gold coins and become millionaires," Peter boasted.  James pondered this for a while and changed

his mind at the thought of becoming rich. Reluctantly he joined Peter in the front garden and the two boys crept up to the front door.  The door was ajar

and Peter pushed it further open.  

They silently walked

inside and heard growling upstairs so Peter decided to investigate. James was

trembling and cried “I don’t want to go upstairs, especially if I can hear growling." Peter said” Don’t be afraid, come on now let’s explore!”

 They both climbed up the creaky stairs. The door creaked open and… out of nowhere a giant with razor sharp claws and fur as tough as steel towered over them. “ROOOOOOOAAR!” “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” The two boys ran for their lives as the gigantic fiend chased the 2 boys. It was as though the giant has never eaten a meal in years! They found a wooden door and it had a label on it that said ‘EXIT’. They got through it and the demon – like lion couldn’t fit through. They never stopped running until they reached their house. They walked through the door of their luxury house and home had never felt so good before.

 Safe at last.