Happy Monday Year 3!

How was your half-term? I hope you all got to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and spent some time outdoors! I did a lot of bike riding and watched lots of Disney movies. I also spent quite a bit of time in the park and got some funny tan lines! This week, some of us are returning to school and I am so excited to see those of you who are coming back. If you are staying at home, make sure you get back into your routine and have a go at some of the home learning each day.

Big well done to Rougayatou, Lola, Areej, Celia, Azaan, Asif and Amana for commenting on the post at the end of last term with their Literacy story ending and Fady, Betty, Rougayatou, Amana, Dominic, Lola, Irfan, Khadija and Sara for completing the fact file on Busy Things! I should have a comment from everyone today about their KWL charts.

Here is your learning for today - 

PE - PE with Joe Wicks at 9am on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

Maths - First, mark your answers from the end of last term - https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/homelearning/year-3/Lesson-4-Answers-Problem-Solving.pdf

Then watch this video on White Rose (Summer Term Week 3- Lesson 1) and complete the worksheet Convert pounds and pence - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/

P.T.O. Please turn over for page 2!