Thinking for a way to get out.

Father John could hear the footsteps of his jailer outside.

Waiting for the day until he is realised.

Father John could see only a bit of light from the only window.

Writing a secret note for his brave an adventurous friends.

He smelt the sour smell of the tangy oranges.

Keeping taste the sour juice hidden and the note.F


Father John could touch the slippery tiles on the window.

A bad feeling in the pain of hunger.

Father John could taste the sour taste of freedom coming.

In the cell it was like he was there for forever.

A secret priest in a giant smelly room .

Father John kept banging on the door.

Spying on the next door prisoner.

He was terrified when his friends boat crashed. 

Father john was a very angry apple in the room.

He was feeling blue

There was a prisoner who knew Father John.

He disliked the White tower.

All prisoners go to the White tower to get hanged.

He was a very secret priest.

everyone did not know him only his friends did.

In jail he was missing his family very much.

The invisible ink fell through his fingers.

Spying through the iron bars he saw a flash of someone.
