Friday 26th April 2019

Week 1- Microsociety blog

Do you know the difference between the 1st world and the 3rd world? Well in this blog you will find out, plus teaching you how to play the shape game.

The difference between the 1st world and the 3rd world is this...

the 1st world has everything it needs to have a happy life including: education, clean water, somewhere to live and plenty of food. Places that are the the 1st world include Western Europe, Canada, the US, and Australasia. Well this is all good but the 3rd world is a totally different story. Most places in Africa, parts of Asia and latin America all suffer from poor education, lack of clean water, lack of food and maybe even not having a safe place to live. The impact to all this is that children will die at a young age or not live as long! Count yourself lucky if you are around 70 when you die.

The Shape Game

The shape game is a game where the teacher hands out a parcel to 6 tables. A timer is set for 20 minutes and in your group you have to open your parcel and make 10cm square (5 points) 10cm circle (10 points) or counters (5 points). In my group we had 2 scissors, 2 pencils, a compass,5 counters and a ruler. The one thing we needed was paper. Lucky for us we traded 1 scissors for paper. I went to the bank and handed in all we had made. eventually the game came to a close and my team one with 65 points. I think what this activity was saying that working as a team always help and if you trade that helps but also some teams only started off with paper and pencils so it was more difficult for them!