Michael Morpurgo Stories

In English we have been writing stories in style of Michael Morpurgo. This is my opening and build-up!

My Little Werewolf!!!

I wish I had just left it. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't have done it...

It all started on a peaceful afternoon in the summer holidays near the edge of a town bustling with people. I had just left my paint-stripped house and I wondered carelesslyto Butanan Wood. Birds sung together like choirs whilst ants scurried desperately around.I breathed in the fragrent air and sat gown; gazing around at the multi-coloured flowers and umbrella-like trees.

I was so glad I had finally got away from my mother. She always ruined my fun; I was never allowed to do anything by myself. Everyone at school made fun of what a baby I was but I never listened. The noises of this emerald-green wood reminded me of the zoo close by. I had only gone there once but it was the greatest thing I ha dever done. Day-dreaming I sat there wondering if I would ever go there again.

Suddenly, I heard a mysterious rustling above me...