They had received a call. It was the dead of night and the stars gleamed like flashing lights. It seemed as if the disruptive world of 7 billion had been demolidhed and in it's place, a peaceful village of 5 wearily through the abandoned cave was a family of

They tried to carry on dragging theitire legs along with them. But they couldn't. they collapsed in a muddled heap on the uncomfortable rocky floor, exhausted and dehydrated.

The next morning they woke up and tried to get up, but they couldn't. So they stayed there for hours in a large heap taking up a vast amount of space. That's their cue.

Their most trusted colleagues raced hurriedly to the scene. They approached the cave cautiously as the eerie atmosphere took over. They were immediately swallowed in by darkness and fumbled around trying to figure things out. They followed the dark route that the cave had written over many years. "Oh. My. God" they mumbled helplessly after countless hours wandering the area of the gigantic cave cluelessly. They too now were weary and exhausted. They were about to give up when they stumbled upon



       bodies lay in a muddled heap cloaked in tiredness and despair. "Oh thank heavens ". muttered the relieved rescue team as they rejoiced in the finding of the family. they hurriedly sustained and checked breathing and pulse and then quickly retrieved the casualties in order to get them out. There was just one small problem which way was out    


The rescue team fumbled about trying to clutch as much information as they possibly could. It was dark and a sense of fear and desperation lingered near and eventually got the better of them. They started to panic.

"Isn't it over there?"

"Can you remember,"

"But how,"

" But where,"

" But which,

Suddenly the casualties arose from their slumber, oblivious to everything

But it was okay in the end. It turned out that the family had left a visible trail and tat is what saved the all. In the end it's not all about the danger and the risk, it's about the people who endure the danger and risk of it all. So next time you see a local hero why not start off by saying thank you