To Make a Lighthouse

(Our topic was to make and design a lighthouse.)

For the first day of art, we were told to make a lighthouse with an extra long toilet paper tube, (This was because nobody had managed to bring a Pringles can into school. It caused a commotion between the teachers who then, not very happily, asked for at least one of us to bring one in) some strips of paper, (VERY useful if you wanted stripes of red and white on your lighthouse) a plastic cup and a light bulb. We were split into table groups and I was fairly excited about it, until my partner ( Kavishan) suddenly went very moody and refused to do anything, saying that "Jooah will do it all! I'll just be sitting here with nothing to do!".(I confess that I was indeed planning to do most of it).I didn't want to give him any proof to say that so I split the tasks evenly between us. I screwed the bulb while Samuel held the crocodile clips, Nivedha and Samuel combined glued and stuck the strips while I cut and Nivedha held the base of the lighthouse as I desperately tried to fit the chunky wires into the long and thin toilet paper tube. None of this seemed to interest Kavishan , however, during the latter part of the lesson he had seemed to cool down and even gave us an idea. He said it would be good to make rocks out of the grey sellotape and we all agreed (mainly to avoid another Kavishan-mood). Unfortunately we weren't allowed to (as we were told by another group) as there was a possibility that the cable could get stuck to the base. Thankfully, after hearing this, Kavishan did not do into a mood so all was well.