Microsociety is a term when year5 learns about trading.My class started with this last week.During that period we have been read by our teacher[Mr West] a story about a planet ruled by a robot.One day the robot failed so it couldn't look after the people.everyone started to be unequaltaked about this in class.

Later that day,we played a shape game.We were given out some equipment.My team got all the things we wanted except paper to draw the circles. We did an unqual share a pencil for paper and also gave our counters early.Luckly we won but that dosent matter because our teacher told us this:


a and b 1st world

e and f 3rd world

This was what was described.Paper was a natual resouses so A and B didnt reseve it but got more advansed things.[I was in group B]The other groups didn't have the eqipment.I'm looking forward for Microsociety.

BY Ashwean

c and d 2nd world

First week of Microsocity