Scarcity by Abina

On our first lesson of Microsociety,we were talking about scarcity. It means a lack of resources.we read a story about a society named 'Justenuf' , who had just enough of every resource they needed until one day when they had a fault in the computer which produced all the food. They needed a way to hand out the food : the highest ranked officer said to do it by rank, the professor said to do it by intelligence and the soldier said to decide by using stun-guns.We debated about who should get the food first and decided the children should get it first.

Then we started an activity. We were split into different groups: A,B,C,D,E and F.

Then they changed their society name to notenuf.

Each group was given a pack including different things. We had a challenge to create different things on a list with the equipment given to collect points. After this activity we realised that it wasn't fair like the way of life-some had the recoures needed although some barely had anything.What would you do if you were in there position.