Microsociety Week 3

Hello I am back and I'm going to be talking about enterprise.


Enterprise is all about setting up and running a business.

You have to decide what your business is going to do and

sell.You look for things that no one else is doing or is a bit

different.When setting up a business you need to assess

risks like what would happen if no one bought the

product or if people didn't like it.Running a business

can cost a lot of money so you can get a loan from the

bank to help but you need to pay this back plus a bit

more in interest.Once you have got your product you

need to tell people about it. This is call advertising.

We looked at civil service jobs and there are quite a lot of them.I don't think we saw all of them but if we did,I think I saw round about 50.Civil service means like people who work for the government.

In the next part of Notenuf was about people trading but they were not using money like we have, their currency was seeds and they traded seeds for labour and people to work on the farms.

You have to do a lot of stuff to apply for a job. I can't remember all of them so am just going to talk about the first ones. Firstly you need to find a job, then you need to apply by providing information about you, what you've done and what you can do. If they let you through you either have to do a test or interview or both. Sometimes you have more than one interview with different people and if they think you can do the job they will offer it to you. That's all I can remember.

When we had to apply for a job in Brightland all we did was write a speech and say it to the class. The jobs that we had that worked for the Government were the bank and the police. You could also try out to be the leader of Brightland. I tried for a job as the banker and i was one of the only people who put their hand up for it apart from Rathana so as a society we decided that there should be 2 people in the bank so the vote was for who would be the head. I won the vote.

We took a business questionnaire and at first we didn't know what it was for, but after we had done it we found out the scores. I got 25 out of 40 which means I could run my own business. We didn't have to go with what it said but it was just a suggestion to see what we be suited for.

We have printed the money and we are ready to give it out. Everyone starts off with 200 .

The money is available in 1 5

10 50 100 .