
Slugs and Snails

This week we have continued our mini beast theme and have been exploring the insect's slugs and snails. We have had lots of fun reading the story Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell. We had lots of fun reading this book and we found it very funny that Norman used a doughnut as a shell! We also had a think about other things that he could have used, the children noted how it would need to be round like a circle and they thought of things like a balloon, a ball, a shell from the beach, a button and a clock. We also drew some pictures of our snails with silly shells. Take a look at some of them below.

The Wrap Around Team.

Next week we are going to be looking at a story that the children have been telling us all about, it's a book they are really excited to focus on and it's called Super Worm! We will be reading the story, making worms with different materials and also going on a bug hunt for worms and making worm homes in our bug hotel.

Have a lovely week,