The return

On Tuesday 30th June I returned to school I go in at 9:15 am I walk through the playground round to my class room I am allowed to wear my home clothes and bring wellies. It was nice to be back in my classroom with Mrs Hunt I was happy. I read a book, then Mrs Hunt read a triangle story then we made predictions from what would happen, we wrote about what we done at home we then had 30 minute break I played with the hoola hoops with my friends. we went in to the computer suite we had are own computer we done maths. we had lunch on the field outside we played, then after lunch we learnt about animal teeth and at 2:45 I went home. on Wednesday Mr Hunt took us outside for wildtribe I think he is a nice man and look forward to him teaching me in class 5. we played hide and sneak with the teachers it was really fun I can't wait for next week.