Yesterday, we had a fantastic day and we learnt a lot about Bronze age.

I saw two boxes full of soil soon I found out we were doing an archaeological dig.

First we did a time line all the whey back to prehistoric times.

From now to Bronze Age.

Next we got to see reel objects from the Bronze Age flint arrow heads, stone axe heads and more. They had a house called a round house.


Now it was time to do the dig so we got a trowel and a scoop. i could see white bits it was bits of a skull.

We found bones, flint, arrow heads, sewing needles and more. We had to be very careful because they are very old.

I had an exciting day and it was very fun. I hope you have as much fin as I did if you ever get the chance.

Bronze Age Recount

Did you know the handle is made out of leather?