Microsocieties 4

This week we learnt about Enterprise. First,we continued the story of Notenuf.

People were finding that they wanted more seeds, which was turning out to be more of a currency than food. They started doing jobs,most citizens becoming entrepreneurs. Now there were rich and poor people.

After we talked about what enterprise was. In basic language it means having your own business and earning money,what we would be doing in Microsocieties very soon.

We learnt about civil servants - people who work for the government(police officers,bankers ect).We voted on the leaders of our country and took a survey on whether we would be good at creating our own businesses.

I already have an amazing idea of a business but am not going to tell you just yet, as someone could steal my idea. Next week we are giving out Dox and people who want to be entrepreneurs ( start their own business ). I'm so exited!