Gwaith Cartref/Homework

Cystadlaethau Dydd Gwyl Dewi/St David's Day Competitions

As part of our St. David's Day celebrations we will be holding an Eisteddfod in school during the week beginning 27th February.

Below are some competitions that the pupils can prepare for during half term and enter if they wish to do so on the 27th February. Every entry will will 1 point for their house team.

Poetry Recital (Years 1 - 6)

For homework we encourage pupils to learn a poem in Welsh. If your child wishes to enter this competition then they will need to practise over the holiday. They will be judged with other children in their year group when they return to school. We will announce winners in the St. David's Day concert on the 1st March.

Poems are on page 2 with a recording.

Art Competition/Cystadleuaeth Celf (Nursery - Year 6)

This year we are concentrating on junk modelling for the art competition.

Children are encouraged to complete the following 3D model using junk or any items you may have in the house to recycle or throw away.

Castle phase (Nursery and Reception) - A 3D or junk modelling project on the theme of a daffodil

Bridge phase (Year 1, 2 and 3) - 3D/junk modelling project on the theme of a Castle.  Estuary phase (Year 4, 5 and 6) - 3D/junk modelling project on the theme of a dragon. 

Prize winners can be shown and awarded certificates on St. David's Day.

Photography competition (Nursery - Year 6)

Children to take a landscape photo (no people).  

Castle/Bridge phase- Is Loughor lovely?

Estuary - Signs of Spring

Photographs will need to be uploaded to their files in J2launch ready for judging.

All entries will need to be returned to school/uploaded by Monday 27th February.


Mrs Fowler, Mrs Poiner, Mrs Preece and Mrs Williams

(LLC and Expressive Arts Teams)

Please turn over for poems