Charlotte McIntosh at Marshalls

In 1881 David McIntosh died so his widow (Charlotte McIntosh) took over Marshalls house.

She was the first lady president of the Essex agricultural society. She was a keen agriculuralist. She invited the Essex show to be at Marshalls in 1912.

Very importantly during the first world war and after the house was used for service men who were injured to stay and get better. Charlotte worked with the British Red Cross and was a Governor of the London hospital. She was also keenly interested in supporting the work at Romford Cottage Hospital in Pettits Lane.

Charlotte made Marshalls Manor a recuperative hostel for soldiers who needed medical help. The war office named it Fletchers recuperative hostel when she left the estate in her will.

In Romford library you can look at a postcard (in the illusrations collection) dated January 1916 which shows the staff and some of the patients at this military hospital.

By George