dear diary,

What a exhausting day! It all began yesterday. My little sister became very sick with a temperature. Sadly there are no hospital in my village, even if there was she wouldn't be aloud to go too it. I hope in the future black people would be as important as white people. But now its never possible. So we began our journey to Jo'burg to find mma.

My friend gave me and my brother 2 sweat potatoes and some water so we wouldn't starve. You might be thinking raw sweet potatoes yuu but in my village it is really yummy. She also promised

she would do all our choirs such as: give grandmother water for Diego and get some crops and most importantly make sure are teacher doesn't suspect we are gone.

On our journey we past a grave yard, and there was a fresh grave with a 2 year old baby in. I was I red that my sister would be next. Any way are journey had only just began.

My feet are already burning because of the hot tar road.I wish we didn't haft to go