Why I Want To Be A Computer Boss

1.I want to be a computer boss because I want to expand my knowledge of computer science and also because I want to help people when it comes to computing. Also because I feel that I belong doing loads of computing.

2.My second reason is that since its my last year in Laycock I want to have the best experience anyone had in computing in primary school. Even though I did not get in last year I am going to try again this year. I'm a good citizen as I am an Ambassador and I try my best to make sure everyone has a good time in the playground. I multitask a lot of times like this year I'm on the football team and I am an Ambassador and soon hope to be a Computer Boss. I want to help as many children as I can to expand their Computer Science and help them to archive the goal to be a Computer Boss.

What is an Algorithm

An Algorithm is a step by step instructions for e.g. How to brush your teeth, First get your toothbrush next put toothpaste on your toothbrush then put water on your tooth brush after brush your teeth nicely after that you rinse your mouth with water finally you spit out the water then you are done. This is what an algorithm is I think.

Hope you enjoy, Habibah Starfish