
This term we will be learning about:

Here is this week's CD.

We have been enjoying this CD at school.

Please watch tis CD with your child

and encourage them to talk about the words

and the story.

Have a good week

Remember to press scatter

Reception Homework for RKK and RBP

Friday 4th March


This week we have continued to learn all about transport.

1) For homework, we would like your child to complete the dot to dot activity booklet. They can colour it in and decorate their transport picture.

2) We would like your child to practice writing sentences about the pictures in the booklet. Please encourage your child to use their sounds to spell words and only help them with words that are very hard to spell

3) In Maths we have been looking at repeating patterns. Please could your child complete the sheet of repeating patterns.

Thank you

We look forward to seeing you in our 10 minute Parent Evening sessions
