Adjectives are words that describe objects. For example:

The majestic dragon flew over the humongous mountain.

The adjectives in this sentence are majestic and

humongous because majestic describes the dragon and

humongous describes the mountain.


Connectives join together sentences so ( for example ) instead of saying: Bob ate the cake. Then he went to bed. We join the two together and add in a connective which would make it: Bob ate the cake and then he went to bed. Here`s another example.

Without Connective

With connective

Jack had a banana. Then he did his homework.

Jack had a banana and then did his homework.


A noun is a word that names an object like a table. There is another type of noun which is called a Pro -noun. It`s the same as a noun only it names objects that need a capital letter like the name of a country or someone.