Dear Diary,

Today was a day to meet lapdog agency,

When I go in to lapdog sceret agency but today was as a worst as a hell because they were so grumpy.I was so sad about lapdog when the yellow cat come out he/she said"who are you and what are you doing here!" I said"yes it is today to meet lapdogs."I replied

"sir get out of here you are not playing on here with my dogs" yellow cat replied with grumpy voice.

Then I just pick up the secret informaition and run offan lapdog building then a yellow cat chased with a shout "get in here right now"

"not now" I replied > this is information about you got pranked

I run again and it all about all fake all about i need to go back to get really needed information

to make stew and all repair for diamonds they will be selling them and call them off.

To do something i need to ask yellow cat i go inside again and "hey you guys steal things"

"how did you know" replied yellow cat

it says on newspaper.