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Amazing Sloths!
A sloth with green (algae covered) fur.
Strangely, you will always find the sloth hanging upside-down. If you look very closely at a sloth's fur, you will see that it is tinted slightly green. Amazingly, this is because the sloth is so slow that a plant called algae grows in its fur.

Read on to find out all about the rather strange rainforest creature, the sloth...
Fun Fact!
There are two-toed and three-toed sloths! How many do you think the one in this picture has?
Sloths are herbivores (this means they eat plants) that specialise in eating leaves. Sloths are nocturnal, so they only eat at night. A sloth eats very slowly.
Fun Fact!
Sloths are so lazy they only come down from the trees once a week to go to the toilet!
Kapok tree leaves
The Amazon Rainforest
The sloth lives in the lush, green rainforests of the Amazon. This is in Brazil, South America.
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