The Rose Blanket

Wistfully the princess tossed and turned, like a rabbit bouncing up and jumping gracefully like the wind. Its tender touch was so light-hearted it lifted her heart like the moon and stars . Unfortunately her heart once a blissful moment, was shattered away. Suddenly stomping steps concurred the room "hush...hush...hush" in a clear mumbling voice! She began to scream with all her might, but it was so load it shattered the windows into a thousand pieces ; or maybe Besides all the screaming she did she noticed that it had roses...roses...roses. Roses like the rain, roses like the sun. Felting roses were so soft like the clouds that it began to make her smell away. Thorns The thorns pricked her skin and drew a flower patterned design on the palm of her hand. But she still felt a blizzard heart and a pebble sank like stone ...stone...stone!