What are politicians?

If you didn’t know, a politician is a person who is active in party politics or seeking office in government. Some politicians are experienced in the science of government. Politicians are meant to support, govern and create laws or policies that govern the land and the people. Not every politician does so; some think being a politician you get a good reputation by lying to the public and being sexist and racist or getting heaps of money. No, it is about helping and guaranteeing a good life and well-being to our nation.

Should politicians be trusted? Trust is a very important aspect of being a politician and being involved in government. There has been lots of drama in the newspapers and the news so we don’t really know what to believe or trust.

What you can do

Do not feel like you cannot contact or write a letter to your MP because it can make a difference in the problem that your facing

•When we watch debates in parliament , they could be discussing your problem

•you could run a campaign on your issue

•your issue could be politicians who do not tell the truth

•Encourage others to express their issue

Some politicians do not admit the mistake they have made so they end up lying and babbling on about the untrue .