Year 4 Metro Bank school trip

On Tuesday the 28th of January the Year 4 went on a school trip to the Metro Bank. We traveled there on the upper deck on the bus. When we got there we were divided into 3 groups and each group did one of the activities planned. You got to do either asking questions on the telephone, seeing the vault and finding the safe deposit box with lollipops or seeing the magic money machine and the ATM's but unfortunatley the magic money machine was out of use due too many people using it, more than it can take! After that we got the BEST goodie bag you have EVER had in your life. It had a digital watch, a money box, a high-vis slap band, a pen and pencil. Plus imagne having to pay for that for 60 children! Plus they have a school come in around once every week! We also got to see Metro Man and give him a handshake before we left. Finally we went back on the bus to school and had a run around.