
vs Chile

On Sunday the 29th of March, me and Cameron went to the Emirates stadium to watch Brazil vs Chile. It felt very exiting when we got there because they were both good teams. Outside had lots of shops selling many scarves, we each bought one. I had a Brazil scarf and Cameron got a Chile scarf.

The result was 1,0.

We got home by walking

about 1 or 2 miles back. me

Fast and Furious 7

On Easter Monday me and my family

went to see Fast and Furious 7. My

favourite character is Conner O'Brien.

My favourite part is when

agent Hubs (the Rock) crashes into a

robotic jet and saves a hacker.


Mi sport Friday football

On Friday 10 April I went to Mi-fc

football club. I got there by

car and on the way back me and my friends went on the bus.