Enterprise Week 3

We looked at the main civil service jobs in the UK and we decided that a couple of the main ones are bankers and the head of state police.

As a class we read the next part of Notenuf. In this part of it people were trading seed for food packs and the rich had big farms and the poor had small farms. That means the poor could not grow as many crops as the big and richer farmers. They were able to trade the seeds they got from the crops. From the seeds they got food packs so they were able to feed their families.

Mrs Cranfield came in the talk about her job in human resources. She had a list of people and she was trying to find the right people for the right jobs. Mrs Cranfield also talked about what would catch your eye when you are looking for a job and the right salary.

We had to answer questions about everyday life. One of the questions was do you write lists for things and then a) was always write lists, b) was sometimes and then c) was never. You had to be totally honest because it would help you to decide what would suit you.

The class had to make currency and we were put in six groups of five people. We had an hour to make our currency and the more you did in the time the more likely it was that you would get chosen because if you did not do very much in the time you would not finish it and not many people would pick your currency.