1. What's it like being a mum?

Well being a mum is absolutely incredible I feel really blessed to have my lovely little girl. It's hard work but I wouldn't have it any other way and she is the best thing that has ever happened.

2. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Well I love reading so I am a real book worm and I also I really like going to the movies. I love watching films I'm a bit of a film buff. I do like my shops as well I am a bit of a magpie with my jewellery so I like going shopping. Much to my husband's dismay.

3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I don't have any sisters but I do have a brother and he's younger than me by 18 months

4. Whats his name?


5. Were you excited coming back to St. Georges and why?

Do you know something I was excited actually because I did really miss all the children and the staff while I was away. I really had a fantastic year with my little girl but then I was looking forward for coming back again because I missed everyone here.

6. What was your favourite subject when you were at school?

You know funnily enough I know that I'm R.E leader now but it actually was R.E. I loved R.E I just found it really interesting. I loved learning about other faiths as well, but I also loved literacy because I loved writing

7. Have you worked in any previous schools?

So I've been here gosh we're going on 9 years now, but before that I worked in a school in Brixton which is in south London I did my teaching practice there. That was a very different kind of school to this school. It didn't have as much outdoor space, and the classrooms were much smaller so it really makes you appreciate our amazing school and our space we have and all our recources.

8. If you weren’t a teacher what job would you have and why?

Oh my goodness. To be honest I love travelling so I think I would have to be something to do with travel. That would be my dream job. to go to hot countries and get paid for it.

9. What school did you go to in your childhood?

I went to Loreto Grammar in Cheshire.

10. What did you want to be when you were little?

I wanted to be an actress, because I loved drama at school.

11. Do you expect a certain standard of work from your pupils?

Absolutely. So anyone that has ever been taught by me knows that I'm quite strict on presentation and how I like my work set out and also the fact that I like my children to make sure they've done the best that they can do. As long as they've done the best that they can do then I'm happy.