Christmas wishes


1.If you could have one wish for this Christmas, what would it be?

2.Will you choose something that you will benefit from, or will it be something that helps someone else?

It might even be a wish that helps many people.

3.What makes Christmas special for you?

4.How has the way people celebrate Christmas changed over the years?


1.My one wish would be for corona virus too suddenly go away.

2.I think it would benefit the whole world.

3.Christmas is special to me because i get to see my family and i always remember jesus's birthday as well as my brothers.

4.Christmas was first celebrated only at public gatherings, but changed in the early-19th century, when families started celebrating on their own. After World War II, Christmas became a more known holiday.


Hold on to the end of the cracker Jack whispered excitedly

"Hold on to the end of the cracker"Jack whispered excitedly.

Sick sentences!

He pulled the cracker and something happened.

He enthusiastically pulled the silver,glinting cracker.It banged and something so magical happend that he did not know whether he was dreaming

Sentence challenge!