Once there was a tree. It stood in the middle of the town centre in the main park. Everyone loved that tree. Tourists took pictures with it, locals climbed up it. It was the best thing to have in your park ever!

One day, at night, a group of boys decided to go to the park. It was dark and no one was in there. As it was the summer, lots of tourists were there. The boys were locals, but because of the tourists they never were able to get up early and climb the tree. As it was so cool if you weren't first in line you wouldn't get a go.

As they arrived they couldn't see it. However they came of the boys had a torch. He turned it on pointed it in the direction but was GONE!

"Where could it be?" asked one of them.

"I don't know, I hope they haven't chopped it down', another one added.

The boys were very worried. They decided to at least have a look around the park for the tree. They were approaching the exit gate just when they heard big loud stomps. It got closer and closer until...the stomps stopped right in-front of them. It was the tree!!!!! It was running!

In the end they sat down and had a chat with the tree and it turned out the tree could walk and could talk and could do anything they could do! Every night from then they went and visited the tree and the tree near forgot.