Microsociety Journal:

This week in Microsociety was really fun. We first talked about what profit and loss meant and what it meant for our companies. Profit means how much money your business makes. As well as , last week we watched a video about the general election in 2010 which I found really interesting. On Friday we did some Microsociety simulation and I joined different business because we closed our old one down. The new business I joined was with a few of my friends and it was a relaxation centre and we usually do shoulder massages and charge 5 Mentropolees for it. Another thing was that a member of our business almost got arrested for not paying the right amount when she was buying an item! Luckily, our business is still fine and we made 151 profit and shared our money out at the end of the session. This week in Microsociety was really fun and I cant wait for the next one simulation.

By Isla Tupper