This week we went to KidZania! It was really fun. The reason we went to KidZania is that it's to do with our Micro society learning. Me and Emma, - my friend - did all of the activities we took part in together. The activities we actually did were the following in order: Firstly, midwife which was really funny because Emily's doll was really freaky and she said it was possessed.

The next activity we did was the H & M fashion studio.

It was okay but I think the other activities were funner.

The 3rd activity we did was Shell. We had to clean cars and give them fuel. We then had to make our own fuel and test it out on remote controlled cars which was nice as every one in the 2 groups got a go.

The 4th and final activity was probably the best of all me and Emma tried. There were 6 people altogether in this last activity. They were all from Wakata class and they included me, Emma, Valarie, Emily, Clara and AJ (Ah Jung). The activity was called Surgeon. We all had to operate on a girl called Lucy, who needed a liver transplant. Me and Valarie were in charge of removing Lucy's old liver while Emma, Clara and Emily were in charge of putting the new one in. As we were taking the old one out, accidentally the heart came out too! We had to stick the heart in again! The old liver was passed to AJ who put it in a bag while the others were busy putting the new liver in backwards! It took a while for them to figure out the correct way! In total me and Emma raised 92 Kidzos each! We had a great time. By Aimee. Right hand click this word to fnd out more- link .