Chapter 4:

Night came shortly after she entered her worst nightmare. Her sleep was rather uncomfortable and it wasn't long until she was woken up to a light breakfast. A lady brought in a big trolley full of glasses (which weren't cleaned), juice cartons (which were covered in mould) and boxes of cereals (you know, corn flakes, coco pops, etc.) A gang of girls went over to her and sliced their hand through her body, and nothing happened. Lilly yelled. The girls sniggered.

"Oh! Sorry to startle you! I'm a ghost... Oh well! At least I can have an afterlife! Now, can I get you any breakfast, poppet?" The lady asked, rolling the trolley with her.

"Umm... coco pops please.." Lilly said, still looking petrified. After picking at her food, she was sent out to meet the "Master".

An old-ish man sat in a small office. He had a horrible grin and a beard as long as Albus Dumbledore. "SIT PLEASE." He snapped. Lilly recognised the voice from when a man shut the door to the room she was sent to. He fiddled with a stack of papers and then said, "So, it is said you died in a car crash in my reports and you also completely lost your memory, but not your knowledge perhaps 'L-I-L-L-Y' Ha!" Lilly was now angry and confused.

"So I AM dead!" She thought. "Oh no! Poor Mum and Dad! They must be so sad!"

She ran back in to the room and completely ignored the horrible man. She bumped in to Harry. "Harry, bring me to the trials..."