Darkness. Complete Darkness.

'Am I dead?' Lilly thought. She attempted to wriggle her fingers and as far as she was concerned, she was pretty sure that her joints were moving. She began to rise up from her slumber of mystery.

'ARGH!' A person which sounded like a little girl yelled, suddenly leaping Lilly up to her feet.

'What was THAT?!' She thought once again.

Everywhere she glanced, pitch black surrounded her. Two moments later she saw a glittering light so she weakly crept over to it. What looked like a shadow, a mysterious man in black stood there, holding something peculiar in his hand, like a scroll but not.

As she moved closer, the vision of the man came clearer. The legs were moving like robots and were similar to metal legs. 'Could they be his REAL legs?' she questioned yet once again. As you could probably tell by now this 11 year old girl was full of questions.

Suddenly the robot/man/shadow jerked his head.

"WOT IS IT?!" He yelled, aiming the scroll thing at her almost like he was holding a sword, ready to fight. Lilly screamed. "Oh sorry, yer the new one, innit?" He sniffed, dropping the scroll. "You, m'lady, are awaiting the Death list..."

Chapter 1: