Orca wales have the same features as

a female women because they stop

having chliden the same time as women.

So they can become grandmas so they can

help the family find some food.And it has

less conflict between families.


Basic Facts About OrcasThe orca, or "killer whale" (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale and is the largest member of the dolphin family. It is highly social and composed of matrilineal family groups. Orcas have long, rounded bodies with large dorsal fins at the middle of their backs. Their black bodies are marked with white patches on the underside and near the eyes.

Orcas feed on fish, squid, birds, and marine mammals. Like dolphins, orcas use echolocation - bouncing sound off of objects to determine their location - to hunt and use a series of high-pitched clicks to stun prey.

Behavior Orcas are highly social animals that travel in groups called pods. Pods usually consist of 5 - 30 whales, although some pods may combine

to form a group of 100 or more. Orcas establish social hierarchies, and pods are led by females. The animals are thought to have a complex form

of communication with different dialects (slightly different language) from one pod to another