What have we been learning?

Last half term, we were extremely busy in Year 5. Here are some of the fun activities we have been doing to enhance and support our learning in class.

Literacy and Science

Our Literacy text type is explanation. In Science we

researched food chains and webs, looking at why food

chains are important. We are using this information

to write an explantation text - 'How do food chains work?'

We have been working extremely hard and have learnt

lots of new vocabulary e.g carnivore, herbivous, producer,

consumer and predadtor.

XL Wales Fairground Workshop

We worked in pairs to design and make a moving 3D model. Our challenge was to create a symmetrical fairground wheel from knex. We had to make seats and a stand to ensure the fairground wheel was able to stand unaided. Our final pieces were very impressive!