In Microsociety on Tuesday the 9th May 2017, Mensa looked receipts and their features. Some of these features include: the logo, the items, the total cost, the return date and sometimes the signature.I don't remember electing the official jobs in our society. Anyway, we though about how to make our businesses successful. I noticed that one of my classmates was lonely so I joined him and asked my employer, Ruby, to sack or fire me. Then me and my buddy filled out the business sheet. We didn't have time to complete the questions as we had to watch a video about profit. We didn't have time because Lily's mum came to talk about her Job. It was very exiting as most things were paperless. Some of the meetings were very long while others were really short. We also learnt how to employ people and ask them questions. For example: How could you improve our society?, Have you had a similar experience before?,e.t.c. Then we watched the video before the next person came in: a BBC person. So we learnt about the BBC and we finished of by talking about how our businesses are going to succeed. I know we did more but I can't remember the rest.

By Gabriel