What you should do when your test results come back

First of all, I want you to know what taking tests are for. I believe that this is for finding your weakness. Tests are your companions, as they are trying to help you find where you are not good at!!


See the results of your test. Just because you completed them in school doesn't mean you can leave your mistakes. It is not the mark you got!


Think about what kinds of questions you got wrong, and also find mistakes that you commonly made. e.g- making small mistakes in the division in maths, or forgetting to put full stops in writing. Then, think about HOW you can improve!


Look back to the tests again and again. Although you might have done step 2, we always forget them, because we are human! Therefore, always make sure you are remembering them so that you won't make the same mistakes again. To do this, come back to it and answer the same questions every day. By doing this, it will stick to your mind!!