Pirate Adventure

BOOM! They came without warning. Without mercy. From the deep, grey mist emerged five long ships with Jolly Rogers above each. Pirates. On the side of the hull gleamed the name Queen Anne's Revenge. Even worse. Blackbeard. The ship's bellies soon emptied, pouring out numbers of wild-haired pirates, brandishing both swords and guns. Escape was impossible. Brian dropped the firewood he was collecting and started to flee towards the safety of the port, but he was too late. Brian tripped over his firewood. They soon caught up with him near the edge of the sand.

Scarred hands. Ominous voices. They snatched him up. Brian bellowed for help, but none came. Although he didn't know it, he was being heaved to the ship. Brian could see his trials of disrupted sand gouged beneath his feet as he tried to wrestle them away. He felt freezing water oozing through his clothes. Brian was thrown onto the ship and he tumbled down and down until he landed with a groaning pain. A pirates' pet.

He did not know it, but his journey into piracy had just began !