My Lockdown Journey

Covid 19 all began a couple of months before my birthday.

Corona virus started on December 2019 in China.

Then 3 months later we went into lockdown so we couldn't

go abroad,see friends or go shopping.We could only go out

for food and go to work if it was necessary.We have been

in lockdown for nearly 17 weeks so this is what I did that

time.I Did home schooling,went to park,went walking and

so much more.In them months I made a new friend named

Ava. She has two dogs one named Poppy and she is a

chihuahua and one named Bonney and she is a cockapoo.

THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! Then I saw Lily shields in my class

it was sooooooooooooooo fun to!!!!!!

Then my friends and I went back to school for a day just

to say goodbye to year 4 teachers and hello to year 5

teachers.We even got some sweets and chocolate they

were so yummy.Then everything kind of got back to

normal and we are allowed to go abroad and see people


The End