Different types of teeth

The four main types of teeth are:

.Incisors- Yourincisorsare eight teeth in the front center of your mouth (four on both bottom and top).

.Canines - Your canines are the next teeth that develop in your mouth. ...

.Premolars - Premolars are used for tearing and crushing food. ...

.Molars - Your molars are your largest teeth.



T he molars or molar teeth are large, flat teeth at the back of the mouth. They are

more developed in mammals. They are used primarily to grind food during chewing. The name molar derives from Latin, molaris dens, meaning "millstone tooth", from "mola", millstone and dens, tooth. Molars show a great deal of diversity in size and shape across mammal groups.


Premolars can be considered as 'transitional teeth' during chewing. They

have properties of both the anterior canines and posterior molars, and so food can be transferred from the canines to the premolars and finally to the molars for grinding, instead of directly from the canines to the molars.

canine: Canine teeth play important roles in eating, speaking the shape of the lips and guiding the other teeth into position. When you eat, canines help cut and tear food into bite-sized pieces, and when you speak, they work alongside the incisors to help form words.In addition, canine teeth function as to the rest of the teeth. They help the position of the upper and lower teeth when the lower jaw moves side to side. What's more, canine teeth guide and lower teeth into place.

incisors: Children with a full set of primary teeth also have eight incisors, named the same way as in teeth. Young children may have from zero to eight incisors depending on the stage of their tooth tooth development.