
Did you know that the internet is a dangerous place? E-safety is about learning to be safe online. They even made an International Day for E-safety which is on the 5th of February 2019.

There are many ways to be safe online. One of the easiest ways of being safe online is to tell an adult when you go onto an electronic device like a computer. If you are on social media you should have a password that people should not guess (password 123 is not great!)You should also keep private things to yourself because when you post it, it’s there forever. You should also be cautious to who you might meet online because they might say they are 13 and their name is Bob but they are actually 44 and their name is Hotch. So you should only accept people who you have met in real life so you know their real name and age.

These are the four most common ways to stay safe online:

*Ask a responsible adult when you go onto an electronic device like a computer

* Always have an impossible password so people can't guess

* Only add people on games when if you have met them in real life and you know (and trust) them

* If a pop up comes onto your screen, don’t click on it and tell a trusted adult

\Z\ZBy Thuvarakaa 5J