Croeso i Ddosbarth

Year 1 and Year 2

Our Staff

Useful Information

Useful Websites

Our Week

Our Topic

Monday - PE

Tuesday - Family Learning

Wednesday - Return homework books

Thursday -ICT Suite

Friday - Homework given out. Please

return by the following Wednesday.

Reading Books must be sent to school

every day.

Autumn Term 1- Marvellous Me

Fruit £1 per week (20p per day).

PE kits can be left in school and will be sent home every half term.

Class Teacher

Mr Williams

Teaching Assistants

Miss Davies

Mrs Coxon (Mornings)

Class Teacher

Miss Brown

Teaching Assistants

Miss Hill

Mrs Driscoll (Mornings)

Mrs Coxon (afternoons)

Language, Literacy, Communication

Genre- Discussion

-The children will consider what makes a 'goody' or a 'baddy' linked to characters in stories that they have read. From their discussion the children will create a class charter.

Genre- Instructions

-The children will write instructions to make a healthy snack.

Mathematical Development

The children will be learning to:

-Count reliably up to 10 objects

-Read and write numbers to at least 20

-Recall doubles and near doubles up to 5 + 5

-Mentally recall ‘one more/less’ of a number within 20

-Mentally add/subtract 10 or 20 from a number up to 100

-Recall and use 2 and 10 multiplication tables

Welsh Development

The children will be learning to:

-Say how they feel in Welsh,

-Names of parts of the body

-Name colours/ numbers

-Identify likes and dislikes

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

The children will be learning about:

-Healthy and unhealthy foods

-Discover which exercise makes you the most tired

-Different types of houses and how they have changed

-Drawing simple maps

-Why 'The Ten Commandments' are important to Christians

Physical Development

The children will be learning about:

-Gymnastics and the effect that exercise has on their bodies.

-Developing fine and gross motor skills

-Developing pen/pencil control

Creative Development

The Children will be:

-Creating roleplay areas

-Creating self portraits

Personal and Social Development

The children will:

-demonstrate an understanding of right and wrong

-Recognise how people are the same different

-Identify ways to solve a problem