The Blitz

The Blitz was a tragic thing that happend on September 1940 to May 1941 [During world war 2]

.Where germany bombed a thired of London and manly bomed docks,streets and populated citys.

At night London was all dark, shutting of all lights so when they came to atack they wouldnt spot them. On September 1940 Germany bomed London and killed 2000 inicent lives but also left many more people wounded and destrout from there lost.

Children fled from there families and homes away from the dangers but some never made it.

What happend


The Germany did it to destroy are wepons so we could be scared to lead to surrendering [ there plan failed].


What does the blitz mean.

The Blitz is a Germany word that means

lightning war.

Cool fact.

When the war siren went on every one went to there bunker or under ground shelter to hide when the Germans where coming but many times it was a fauls. Out of 90 fauls alarms only 4 where real ones.

The first bombs that were droped where

bombs that causes a lot of fire ;they were tiny;

and each plane carried 1000 and 30000 were

dropped in Briton.

