If it was anyones fault it was..me

If it was anyones fault it was me, it's hard to explain but it was 7 years ago we were on a massive pointed mountain that streched into the sky like a endless tree,there was a cave near by and i dared someone to do in it was as dusty as a house that was never cleand for 1,000 years. Suddenly

I heard a sceech my hart stopped beating "What happend?" I causiously walked into the black as black cave that seemed innocent.I took one step a shiver fell upon me..another step something was rong...another step "SCREECH!"... rooted to the spot i felt like something was holdong me,my hart stpopped beating and that was the end if it was anyones fault it was...me it cost my life my families life my memories it repeated if it was anyones fault it was mine...