The Chinese zodiac race

ones upon a time there was a emperor called jade and he made the animals have a swimming what he did was who ever was first he would name the year that this is the story of the race...

there was an ox who could swim and that ox was ahead of all the animals,then the cat was next even though it did not now how to swim so it jumped on the ox.suddenly the rat came and didn't know how to swim either so it pushed the cat and the cat fell in the water and then the rat jumped of the ox and came first.

then it was the ox then the tiger then the rabbit then the was meant to be the horse next but then the snake was near its feet so then the horse cave the snake a chance so then the snake was next then the horse then the goat then the monkey then the rooster then the was then meant to be the last one witch was cat but because the rat pushed it into the water and it can not swim it couldn't get out so it got excluded and from that day the cats hate the rats.