Last week, we had our first microsociety lesson. In microsociety we are aiming to make our own business, to work as a team and create a succesful business.

We talked about scarcity. Scarcity is when there is'nt enough of something. If there is a limited amount of a certain thing, it has a value. For example, as diamonds are very scarce, they have a great value. But as there is a lot of paper, it doesn't have a large value. In this world there is a limited amount of everything, so everything has a value, which means we have to pay for everything. This is the start of economics, buying and selling to gain resources.

This links to the idea of a 1st and 3rd world. The difference between 1st and 3rd world is 3rd are struggling economically and 1st world are more powerful and richer.

We also read the story of 'JUSTENUF'. In the story there were enough resources for everyone. But, one day there was suddenly not enough of everything. The captain had to figure out how to make everyone get the resources they needed with the small amount of recourses they had. I thought that the captain should bring economics into their world, by making things worth something and to introduce buying and selling into the society. By introducing this into society, everyone has a way to make money, by working. Also, people could be more generous, by helping out people who are struggling economically. And with the resourses the captain would give more to the poor because the rich would be able to buy food from the poor and that would keep on happening.