Camp 2, Sunshine Campsite


MLĦ 123

5th April, 2021

Hello Mum and Dad,

How are you doing? At the moment, I'm doing great. So far, it has been sunny everyday.

I am sleeping with my best friends, Giulia and Laya in a big, yellow tent. Yesterday, we went to an enormous public garden, where my friends and I played Simon Says, Hide and Seek and catch.

Each day, the camp leaders prepares an English Breakfast in the morning. For lunch, we help them prepare the baguettes and for dinner, Mrs.Rita, always prepares delicious dishes. She's very good at cooking.

In a few hours, we are going to visit a Heritage Site near by, and afterwards, we have a P.E lesson with one of the leaders. I'm learning different tasks here and how to be more independent and responsible for myself.

Although I am missing you terribly, I am having the time of my life.

